The cause of ADHD is primarily heredity, and you often see several people with ADHD within the same family. But the cause of ADHD can also be attributed to other factors such as influences on the child's brain before, during or after birth as well as premature birth and low birth weight. In recent years, a great deal of research has been conducted into the causes of ADHD. The changes in the brain that cause symptoms of ADHD have not yet been mapped in detail. There seem to be disturbances in several areas of the brain and there is much evidence that the symptoms are related to a reduced ability to transport the signaling substances dopamine and norepinephrine. It is believed that the brain of people with ADHD functions like a "tired brain", as the communication between the brain cells is inhibited.

It is very different how the individual's life is affected by ADHD. There are different degrees of severity of the diagnosis, and it is different how the symptoms are expressed. Some can live a normal life and others have major challenges. Of course, it also depends on the treatment and support the individual receives. People with ADHD primarily have difficulty concentrating, creating an overview and structure, and planning and carrying out activities. It can, among other things, find it difficult to sit still, wait your turn, follow the social rules, complete your tasks, remember appointments and manage your emotions. These difficulties can cause people with ADHD problems in many areas of life; at school, during education, at work, and in relation to families, partners and friends. It can be difficult to make a normal daily life work. I can help you and your relatives gain insight/self-insight and develop coping strategies that make your life with ADHD easier.